• 土が水気を多く含みすぎて耕作や農薬散布ができない。
• 結果、手作業が増えて疲労が重なる。
- 芽吹きのタイミング:4月初旬から。
- 開花のタイミング:5月9日に最初の花が咲き、希代の早期開花に。
- ベト病が全く存在しない(葉の表面にその前兆さえ見られない)。ウドンコ病は7月までありませんでしたが、その頃になると天気も崩れがちになり収穫日も近づいて、敏感なゾーンでは病気の兆候が認められるようになりました。
- 早期収穫:モレ家史上初、8月収穫開始!
The first frosts arrived in early autumn (November 20th).
December was cool and dry, and January much cooler (-10°C between the 10th and 12th of January).
Freezing mornings persisted until the beginning of March, when days became sunnier and afternoon temperatures warmer.
In any case, cool weather lasted all winter ( a real good cool winter, at last !) and there was not too much dampness.
Spring was dry and temperatures were high enough to prevent from frost risks.
Budbreak occured early in April.
During March, vine growth increased quickly, with dry and warm weather.
Flowering began May 22, announcing an early harvest.
2009 was the return of the grape-worm we hadn’t seen since 2003, but damages were not significant.
Many stormy rains arrived in June and July, maintaining mildew and oidium pressure at an undesirable level.
August was very hot and sunny, so ripening was regular.
Since spring, some vines began to be ploughed by Luciole, Amelie’s horse.
Harvest took place between September 7-13.
Thanks to reasonable yields, the grapes were beautiful, bathed in sunlight, and well balanced because of excellent phenolic maturity.
The new wines are pleasantly aromatic, in both white and red.
After a calm winter, the first two weeks of March were cool but dry, and we ended pruning at this time.
From April 8th to 30th it rained often, and ploughing was not easy.
The first three weeks of May were magnificent and the vines grew quickly. From May 20th to June 17th, many stormy showers interfered with the treatments against vine diseases during the more sensitive period (fast growth, and risky weather for mildew).
Luckily, dry weather returned from June 18th to July 2nd to restore a well balanced growth, and finish flowering in good conditions.
Nevertheless, one month of flowering often signifies a big percentage of ‘millerandage’ (partial crop failure resulting in mixed size berries), more on Chardonnay than Pinot Noir which began flowering later but ended earlier.
With a stormy summer (July 2-12, July26-August 2)July 26, a big hailstorm in Meursault and Volnay damaged much of our regional and village appellation parcels.
During August, ‘veraison’ (color-changing of the berries) was slow because it was a cool summer.
After a rainy early September, wind turned at last to the north, blowing the clouds.
Dry weather and brightness lasted three weeks : exactly what the grapes needed to mature in good conditions. Good weather arrived just in time !!!
We decided to wait a few more days before harvesting to achieve better sugar/acidity balance. (September 25)
After a quite difficult year in the vineyard, a careful sorting was necessary but the important elements were there : harvest took place under a beautiful sunny, fresh weather.
What a good surprise after pressing : the natural degrees of alcohol (that we worried would be low) were actually very good, even if acidity was very high.
This is probably thanks to low yields : the wind helped grape-ripening, concentrating the berries due to the loss in juice.
One thing is sure : the proverb “September makes quality of grapes” is really true in 2008 !
Precocious and surprising year…
In 2007 budding begins in a rather precocious manner and is extremely fast.
The month of April is dry, very warm and sunny and the vineyards begin pushing at record speed (up to three weeks ahead if compared to other years known to be early). There was a short period of time during which it took the vineyard workers long days of intensive hard work to keep up with the explosion of the vegetation.
Flowering also begins early and proceeds particularly well. The grapes are beautiful and develop well, promising a harvest around the end of August.
Beginning June 8, and for the rest of that month, a stormy period brings anxiety to the vignerons. Then in July an August the weather remains rather humid and sometimes unseasonably cold. With the prevailing weather conditions, the harvest, which we initially thought it was going to be at the end of August, slowly moves towards September.
Harvest took place from September 1 to September 7 under magnificently sunny skies. The mebers of the picking team were particularly pleasant and efficient.
The general health of the white grapes was very good and the levels of maturity very satisfactory.
For the reds, it was necessary to sort the grapes both at the vineyards and at the cellars to get rid of the fruit hat had been damaged by the inclement autumnal weather. At the end, the fruit that went into the vats was good looking and from the beginning of the fermentation began releasing fruity aromas thanks to the fully matured berries.
First tastings after fermentation finished are rather promising…
The 2007 vintage wines will need a long period of maturation. In fact, malo-lactic fermentations are giving the wines, which until now are quite lively thanks to their acidity, considerable roundness and that is good for the wine. Maturation on fine lees should therefore proceed calmly in order to allow the wines to mellow and quietly approach the balance and harmony we so look forward to.
The winter of 2005-2006 arrived early, was very cold ans lasted a long time.
The first frosts of the year arrived mid-November, and with the exception of a few days in the beginnings of December and the middle of February, lasted until the middle of March.
It was so cold, the thermometer on December 30th dipped below minus 15 degrees Celsius (5°F). There were frequent, although not very abundant, snowfalls that barely covered the ground.
It was also quite a dry winter. In March there was some rainfall, followed by a mild April. May brought storms, which increased the threat of mildew.
After such a cool and dismal spring, the vines began to flower on June 8th. From then on, a lovely period of summery weather stayed until July 31th. Thankfully, these conditions allowed flowering to finish at record speed and the fruit to set early. The grapes also grew fast, with the clusters developing nicely by July 12th in all of the vineyards parcels.
In August, the weather again turned wet and cold.
September was wonderful, with enough sunlight and luminosity to justify its reputation as a quality-maker month. The weather remained dry, with beautiful days and good temperatures that allowed an excellent period for the grapes to mature.
The ideal weather stabilized the botrytis that had begun to develop in August. Harvest was carried out from the 20th to the 27th.
The Chardonnay grapes ripened beautiffuly and to ensure they did not become overripe they were carefully monitored to ensure an ideal harvest.The Pinot Noir grapes, which are always sensitive to botrytis, required a severe sorting, which preserved the quality of the yield, especially the finesse of the aromas and the balance of the taste.
Following a very rainy April, the month of May begins with very hot weather, and the vines grow very quickly.
From the middle of May to the end of September, the weather is always dry but we have spells of cold to warm temperatures.
Flowering starts early but a period of cool weather causes coulure (flower loss), and millerandage (decreased yields, and sugar concentration in berries).
Pinot Noir, usually a late variety, has the advantage of a good flowering period and produces vigorous grapes. We had to be careful with de-budding and green-harvest to limit yields.
Outside a little oïdium (powdery mildew) attack, everything is well in the vineyards.
A hailstorm on July 17th devastated the Santenay vineyards, and caused damage in only a few Bâtard-Montrachet vines. Fortunately, the good weather that followed allowed the vines to heal, and the grapes remain in excellent condition until harvest.
Grapes are nearly perfect : good quality, excellent ripeness, perfect sugar-acidity balance, and favourable weather during harvest.
Very pleasant aromas of fruit appear with the alcoholic fermentation.
Promising tasting in the horizon…
After the unseasonable heat of the 2003 summer, the months of November and December were mild ; January was very humid and February the opposite in temperature (the vineyards “weeps” from the beginnings of the month). But the month of February was dry and very sunny (a record since 1945).
High spring temperatures towards mid March (22° to 24°) made us fear a second consecutive year of extremly warm temperatures but they returned to normal by the end of the month.
The vineyard activity started at the very beginning of April, but a period of fresh and humid days slowed the growth and we noticed a delay of several days from the normal rate of growth. Temperatures remained cool, especially at night, although without frost, until the beginning of May. Then, we had a period of warm weather that allowed growth to explode and made up for the slow growth at the beginning of the month.
First flowering was observed from June 8, full flowering was observed by June 13. Setting was very good and was the harbinger of a plentiful and precocious harvest.
July was cool, especially during the night, which promotes oïdium (vine-mildew), so Chardonnay producers began to worry as this varietal is especially susceptible to this disease.
Véraison began as normal by the end of July. The month of August had mainy rainy days, fortunately often light in quantity, and remained cool which allowed the vines to preserve their healthy condition.
September arrived with plenty of good weather that was sunny and fair and allowed the grapes to mature normally.
We waited until September 25 to begin harvesting the Pinot Noir, leaving some additional time for the Chardonnays to complete maturation.
The sugar levels were very good, the acidity finds more classic levels, nevertheless with a rather high level of malic acid.
A very strict sorting was carried out to make sure all fruit was removed that might have been damaged by the hail storm of August 23 on certain parcels of Pinot Noir or by oïdium in certain susceptible zones of Chardonnay.
This vintage will need a very long time to mature : malolactic fermentations are particulary late and taking a long time. The aromas of the 2004 wines need a great deal of patience to open up, these are “vins de garde”. Thoses who know how to wait will be rewarded.
Never seen in all the 20th Century…
There is no comparison in the memory of winegrowers of a similar year !
Many factors in the vineyards contributed to a small harvest :
– Ice in the lower slopes on April 11,
– Hail with the storms of June 12 and July 20,
– The grapes with South exposure were burnt by intense sunlight between July 7 and August 28.
The harvest begins on September 1, 2003 after the heat wave for two reasons :
– Quality of the physiological maturity of the grapes,
– Quality of manpower, which was done under convenient temperatures, with the beginning of fermentation occuring under optimal conditions.
The harvest lasts only 6 days, in spite of the very rigorous sorting as soon as the fruit arrived to the winery in order to allow a very carefully vinification process : The fears that we had regarding the fragility of the fruit quickly dissipate during maturation, as the musts were already acquiring a natural solid character thanks to their exceptional concentration.
We did less stirring than usual with white wines but did the bottling after 18 months. Wines are strong, rich, unctuous and soft in the mouth.
Red wines, made from very ripe and colored grapes, are rich and powerful with very solky tannins.
It is interesting to find that these wines are already tasting well although because of their good structure and mineral qualities will allow a beautiful opening during in a couple of years.
Fall and Winter presented themselves with early cold temperatures, sap levels went down early and pruning could be initiated under very good conditions.
Cold and dry weather allowed us to hill up the vines in November.
Bud break started very early in March.
The totality of the countryside is dry (less than 500mm of rain in 12 months), and all field work can be done under very good conditions. All cold-temperature-related diseases are pratically absent from the vineyard, which is extremely nice after three years dealing with mold and powdery mildew. Blooming is over early in the warm temperatures of the end of June and the grapes begin to develop very rapidly.
In the vineyard, everything goes well during the entire growing season, except a period between August 20th and September 10th with almost constant high humidity. In our region, however, the water levels that accumulated remained low and without consequences.
The northely winds arrive at just the right moment under a clear and luminous sky, allowing the grapes to reach maturity with a truly satisfactory level of health and a dream-like balance in the musts.
Harvest was from September 21 to 27, when the nights were cool, allowing us to harvest in the mornings at very agreeable temperatures. Thanks to the perfect natural balance of the grapes, the wine production and maturation goes on remarkably well both for reds and whites.
Bottling is scheduled between February and April 2004.
The 2002 is a vintage with excellent cellaring potential.
Leaving a side the small frosts at the end of December 2000 and cold spell at the end of February 2001, the Fall and Winter are very mild.
March is rainy and with little sunlight. The field work is delayed until April.
The year was marked by strong shifts in temperature, rainfall and amounts of sunlight : all levels are very much above or below the normal numbers, even though the average for each month and every quarter show some sort of balance.
Within this difficult context, the vines manage to prepare for the harvest with serenity.
Winter is mild except for some heavy frosts at the end of January.
Budburst occurs at the beginning of the spring, with usual temperatures for the season.
May is very hot (+6°C higher than normal season values), and vegetation growth is particularly quick, making vines sensitive to mildew.
Thanks to hot and dry weather, flowering takes place early in June under good conditions.
July is stormy and rainy (20 days of rain during the month), but fortunately, vines don’t suffer too much from this bad weather. A heat wave during the second week of August allows the fruit to ripen well.
During September, there are alternative periods of cold and warm temperatures, with several storms.
We harvest from 16 to 22 September.